Mind Retreat Days for Women

Mind Retreat Days for Women

These relaxed workshops take place at my home in Cookham Dean. They provide a space where women can explore various topics relating to different areas of their lives.

For mothers, there are 4 different days that each cover distinct aspects of parenting (see below)
For women in general, there are 3 different days relating to women's well-being and empowerment (see below).

These workshops are run as a fun and empowering day for gro ups of friends. You need is a minimum of 5 people and a maximum of 10. You simply book the date with us, provide the names and emails of the friends who wish to attend and we organise the rest!

These workshops run from 9:30am - 2:30pm; they begin with a light breakfast and include a delicious buffet lunch

(preferences and allergies are fully catered for). 

These interactive workshops allow for plenty of discussion and question time for everyone attending to apply the learnings to their own particular needs or challenges. 

The cost of any of the days below, including full colour workbook, breakfast, lunch and all refreshments is

£150 per person.

There is an option to extend your day to 5pm to include a relaxing mindfulness session followed by afternoon tea and Procescco (see the bottom of the page for details).

Parenting Topics:

Self Esteem; The Greatest Gift We Can Give Our Children

This day covers all aspects of self-esteem from exactly what it is, to why it is so crucial to children’s healthy social, academic and emotional development. Importantly, those attending will learn easily applicable techniques and strategies to increase their child's self-esteem and help them become more confident and independent. This workshop covers:

  • The crucial role self-esteem plays in a child's healthy development
  • How to recognise if your child has sound self esteem
  • The building blocks of self esteem and how to put them in place
  • The empowering effects of 'high love and high limits' parenting
  • How to successfully increase your child’s emotional intelligence

Social Brilliance; Teach Your Child Social Skills for Life

This workshop focuses on empowering parents to coach their child around any relationship difficulties they may be having. Through learning easily applicable techniques and strategies parents attending will learn how to empower their children by teaching them the art of making friends, maintaining relationships and handling playground conflicts. This workshop covers:

  • How to become your child's greatest coach
  • How to help your child make friends quickly and easily
  • Teaching your child the art of great communication
  • How to help your child deal effectively with friendship and/or bullying issues
  • How to successfully increase your child's social intelligence

Resilience; Help Your Child Bounce Back From Life's Hiccups

This workshop focuses on showing parents how to coach their child around the issues they may be facing. Through learning easily applicable techniques and strategies parents attending will learn how to empower their children by teaching them the art of good communication, problem solving and how to bounce back from life’s hiccups. This workshop covers:

  • The importance of building resilience in your child
  • The building blocks to resilience and how to put them in place
  • How to help your child to take responsibility for their relationships and their decisions
  • How to help your child deal with their worries and embrace new challenges
  • How to help your child move out of their comfort zone towards their goals

How to Survive (and Even Enjoy!) The Teenage Years

This workshop covers all aspects of the teenage years; the changes they are undergoing, the challenges they face and how we, as parents, can successfully navigate our way through the teenage years. There is a common myth that conflict is a necessary and fundamental part of the teenage years. However, teenagers need to become less reliant on us as parents in order to establish their independence and autonomy and much tension can be avoided by us, as parents, allowing our children enough safe, bounded space in which to grow. This workshop covers:

  • Why teenagers behave the way they do
  • How to understand (and positively engage with) the teenage mind
  • How to keep boundaries in place whist encouraging independence of thought
  • The importance of giving your teenager trust and responsibility
  • How to really enjoy your child's teenage years

Well-being topics for Women:

Explore Your Purpose

Women are forever changing their lives to fit in with the needs of others; when we become mothers we tend to prioritise our children’s needs over our own. Looking after children can be a wonderful, and incredibly fulfilling, experience but it can also leave us with a sense of having lost a part of ourselves. If we are a full time mother, we can feel we have lost the part of ourselves that had a purpose out in the world. If we are juggling motherhood and work we can feel we are torn between our two roles. It can be incredibly empowering to look at what is working and what isn't, and take the time to think about how we want our future to be.
  • Identify your unique skills and abilities
  • Recognise what makes you feel truly fulfilled and happy
  • Explore your own specific type of intelligence and personality
  • Recognise potential obstacles and explore how to deal with them
  • Explore new and exciting possibilities for the future
Even when we are, for whatever reason, unable to move to the next step right now, exploring our ‘purpose’ is can be both enlightening and exciting. Whilst we must recognise that everything has a cost (in terms of time, money or relationships) this day looks at (and helps you identify) your passions and the way you would truly like to 'spend' your time. This day is incredibly helpful for anyone reviewing their life and who wishes for it to be more purposeful and meaningful to them.

De-Stress Your Life

Many of us can get into the habit of living with constant stress and/or anxiety and often choose to ignore both unless they manifest themselves physically, rendering us incapable of doing the things we need to do. Recognising when we are in this pattern is crucially important if we wish to live a life of optimal health and enjoyment. Women, in particular, can find it hard to prioritise their needs over the needs of others, resulting in very little time being left over for nurturing and caring for themselves.
  • Understand the difference between stress and anxiety
  • Identify your unique triggers for both
  • Learn the best ways to manage your state
  • Learn the art of good time management (and reducing demands on yourself)
  • Recognise what matters to you and learn how to let go of the things that don't                              
  • Ensure your energy is focused on the right things (and the right people) for you
This day is incredibly helpful for anyone who feels they are constantly running on adrenaline and who wish to have a calmer, happier, more carefree existence.

Assertiveness and Positivity

In order to ensure we can create the life we wish to have it is important to be able to deal with difficult situations (and difficult people) effectively. This requires us to be able to take responsibility for our part in any situation (good or bad) and communicate effectively with the people around us. It also requires us to face any fear we are holding around potential conflict.
  • Identify the relationships that are currently challenging for you
  • Learn strategies and techniques to deal with these proactively and constructively
  • See how assertiveness banishes resentment and frees us up for a more positive life
  • Learn how to be at ease in any social or professional situation
  • Recognise the joy and energy that comes living a positive life
In addition, this day covers how to have great body language, how to shine your light on others and how to 'invest' in the people we care about.

This day is incredibly helpful for anyone who constantly feels their needs are not heard (and thus not recognised or met) by those around them and wish to have more fulfilling and positive relationships.

As stated above, the cost of any of the workshops listed, including full colour workbook, binder, breakfast, lunch and all refreshments is £150 per person.

If you are coming with friends you may like extend your day to 5pm:

If you would like to experience a fuller day with your friends at Lovers Hall, you can add on a wonderful mindfulness session in the afternoon (delivered by a specialist teacher and, if weather permits, delivered in the garden) followed by afternoon tea with delicious cupcakes, sandwiches, scones and Prosecco. 

The extra charge for this per person is £50. The total cost, therefore, for a day lasting from 9:30am - 5pm including workshop, breakfast, lunch, mindfulness session and afternoon tea with Prosecco is £200 per person.

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